Power Super Foods Certified Organic Goji Berries “The Origin Series” 125g, Highly Nutritious
Certified Organic is your only safeguard ensuring a non-irradiated, non-genetically modified superfood grown without chemical fertilisers. Our Goji are certified by ‘ACO’ – Australia’s most recognised organic certifying body.
Is there anyone who hasn’t heard of all the health and wellbeing benefits attributed to Goji Berries?? Also known as Chinese Wolfberry or Gou Qi Zi, and growing profusely on vines that reach over 6m in length in the remote hills and valleys of the ‘Goji Triangle’ – Tibet, Northern China and Mongolia – the revitalizing and energy containing Goji berry (Lycium Barbarum) is the most health enhancing of the 80 odd varieties of the Lycium fruit.
Certified Organic Goji Berries (Lycium Barbarum).
Suggested Uses
Enjoy straight from the bag, or add to lunchboxes, oatmeal or muesli, smoothies, trailmix, salads, cake/biscuit/muffin batters, or steeped in tea. Or mix with Raw Cacao Nibs (Goji Snack Blend)!
Why Eat Superfoods?
Why not? You can only eat a certain number of calories every day, and why wouldn’t you want them to be the most nutrition packed possible for optimal health? With their naturally-occurring phytonutrients, antioxidants, enzymes, vitamins, minerals, EFA’s & trace elements, the rewards of super food energy in combination with a balanced diet, fitness program, and positive attitude will last a lifetime.
Whether powering through a long day at work, hitting the gym or trails, or just needing an extra competitive edge in life, everyone can benefit from the energy of organic functional foods. These ultra nourishing edibles – acai, cacao, maca, sea vegetables, chia, goji & maqui berries, coconut-derived foods and supersalts etc make being at your best easier than ever.