Simply Organic Cumin Seed Ground 65g, (Glass Jar)
Rich and warm. Complex, earthy spice flavor. Enticing aroma. True cumin seed color. There’s no fake here. Our Ground Cumin is nothing but pure, organic, cumin seed (Cuminum cyminum). Awarded “Best Ground Cumin” by Cook’s Illustrated in 2018. No GMOs. You won’t find cumin like this just anywhere. This is real spice. With real bite. No ETO (considered carcinogenic by the EPA). Not irradiated. Certified Organic by QAI. Kosher Certified by KSA.
We get serious about quality. In Rajasthan, India, Swani Spice Mills — one of our partners in our sustainable sourcing program — works with 250 farmers across several villages to produce high quality, organic cumin seed. But, if organically grown seeds come into contact with pesticide-contaminated equipment used by hired local processors, the farmers’ efforts may be for naught. We helped Swani Spice buy two dedicated threshing machines built specifically to process cumin. Now, the farmers pay a third of what they previously paid for threshing. And you get pure, clean, great-tasting cumin you can feel good about.
About Simply Organic
Healthy, wholesome, organic products you can trust. This company appreciate that some of the best things are those that have been around for a long time, and as a result they support and encourage the growth of organic farming practices and support traditional farms and growers.
We strive to better the lives of small growers in developing countries with fair pricing and programs that help their communities. 1% of all sales goes towards funding organic farming and education.
Certified Organic Cumin Seed Ground
Origin India/Turkey