Green Nutritionals Yaeyama Pacifica Chlorella Powder, 120g Or 250g; A Powerful Detoxifying Agent
Yaeyama Pacifica Chlorella is nutritionally superior
Selected over 40 years ago and grown continuously with a patented ‘outdoor growing system’, the Yaeyama Pacifica Chlorella strain is nutritionally superior, delivering higher levels of chlorophyll, Chlorella Grown Factor (CGF), protein, RNA, DNA and antioxidants, making it measurably the world’s purest and most nutrient-rich Chlorella.
What is Chlorella?
Chlorella is an ancient single celled freshwater micro algae containing chlorophyll and many other useful phytonutrients. Thought to have had its genesis 2 billion years ago, chlorella is found naturally in freshwater rivers and waterways, but is now grown by aquaculture for human consumption.
Chlorella is unicellular which means each cell is self sufficient allowing it to perform all its functions inside itself. Each cell measures only 2.8 microns ( 1 micron = 1/1000th of a mm) about the size of a human red blood cell. Chlorella is so small that 1 litre of chlorella in a thin suspension contains over 20 billion cells.
Together with other photosynthetic micro-algae, Chlorella played an important role in converting the carbon dioxide rich atmoshere to oxygen through the process of photosynthesis. Micro-algae are largely responsible for converting the Earth’s atmospheres 0.1% Oxygen, content to the 20% mix we have today, allowing all current organisms to thrive.
Chlorella Caution
Chlorella is a powerful detoxifying food, so when starting always take a smaller amount for the first week, with an adequate intake of pure water. It is possible some new users may not tolerate chlorella – in the event that you experience stomach upset or nausea when taking chlorella, either reduce the amount you are taking or stop taking chlorella completely and seek advice from your health care practitioner. Â If pregnant, breastfeeding or taking medications, always consult your health care practitioner before starting on Chlorella.
There are some people who cannot tolerate chlorella and experience a strong allergic vomiting reaction after consuming it. This is extremely unusual and only affects a very small percentage of people. For this reason we always suggest starting off with a small serve and being cautious on day one and during the first week or so.
If you have this sort of strong reaction, stop taking the product, it’s not for you. If the vomiting is intense and prolonged, seek medical help to avoid dehydration.
How and where is it grown
Chlorella is an ancient single celled freshwater micro algae containing chlorophyll and many other useful phytonutrients. Thought to have had its genesis 2 billion years ago, chlorella is found naturally in freshwater rivers and waterways, but is now grown by aquaculture for human consumption.
When using plant based superfoods it is important to know that your are purchasing  a trustworthy product whose benefits are un-affected by pollution, destructive processing and poor packaging. We looked extensively at the different Chlorella available and soon realised the superiority of Yaeyama Pacifica.
The Yaeyama strain of Chlorella was originally found on Ishigaki Island where it is still grown today and is unique to Yaeyama Pacifica. Over forty years this strain has been improved to deliver excellent flavour and nutritional profile. Total carotenoid and RNA levels, for example, are higher than in competitor products.
The tropical climate of Ishigaki Island, 1000 km. south of the mainland, is ideally suited to Chlorella cultivation. Clean air and fresh mountain spring water make for a complete absence of harmful contaminants. Chemical analysis shows Yaeyama Pacifica to have no detectable levels of mercury, lead, pesticide and herbicide. Unlike some Chlorella, Yaeyama Pacifica is grown outdoors in 45metre controlled ponds allowing the Chlorella full benefit of the strong tropical sunlight.
Chlorella has a hard indigestible cell wall, which has to be opened to allow its abundant nutrients to be absorbed. Some producers use chemical bleaching, heat treatments or milling to ‘crack’ the hard wall – these harsh treatments can have a detrimental effect on the valuable nutrients within.
Yaeyama Pacifica Chlorella undergoes a unique water Jet-Spray Cell Wall Technology developed by the grower, to gently open the cell wall for a high 82% digestibility, delivering potency, purity and mild taste.