The Heart Centred Herb Company Tonic + Triumph, 14 Tea Bags Handmade Tea
This tea is for you
Tonics are to tone and uplift, they resource your own inherent strength. They are to restore you. You are a powerful being, a human being, made to adapt, manage and persevere.
There is no completely safe place in this world, the fish are not safe in the sea, but you do not need to be so safe, you only need to be your ready, resilient and resourceful self. I believe in you. That you may get worn out, that you may know defeat and disillusion, that you may want to give up is normal, I hear you, none of us escape, life is here, to alter you.
A life that perhaps could be kinder, but a you, a you that can revive and return stronger. This is the triumph you were made for. Connect to your true power, revel in this found support. This is Tonic+Triumph.
Heather flowers –Â A powerful tonic that regenerates the nervous system structures. It reduces negative emotions and encourages action not reaction. Promotes strength.
Herb Robert – Offers such energy and a source of joy, it’s a powerfully uplifting tonic with antioxidant properties.
Lycorys – A strong adrenal tonic herb that helps separate thoughts from feelings, it provides restorative energy .
Oats –Â A super tonic for the nervous system, in exhaustion, especially when you have taken on too much.
Teasel –Â Is used in chronic inflammation, which is often the product of exhaustion, Teasel will make us feel stronger from the inside out.
About Us
What happens to us, affects our health. If we can understand how physical an emotion is, we can understand how it can be treated physically.
We have created a herbal range – by researching ancient texts of herbs, some of which were used in times of battle – to heal the wounds we feel and bring us back to optimal health.